Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

OrganicChinese green tea,for detoxification,Life Care® naturalenergizer The Chinese green tea,a mix ofE vitamin, carotene, cafeine and f lavonoids,isknown al around the world for its detoxifier and therapeuticefects. •Helpsburningcalories •Reducesappetite •Richinantioxidants •Slowsdowntheagingproces MadeinUE RO -ECO -0 8 RO -ECO -0 8 30g (20x1.5g) € 5.49 Organicherbaland fruittea,foreasy transit,Life Care® helpsguttransit Thisteacontainsaspecial combinationofBIO ingredients: rosehips,mint,fennelandmarigold thathelpfor: •Cleansingtheorganism •Im provingthedigestivefunction •Elim inating the toxins from theorganism MadeinUE 30g (20x1.5g) € 5.99 576 575 70 WEIGHTLOS ANDDETOXIFICATION