473 ml The combination between BIO Aloe Vera and chlorophyl helps preventanemia,while acting as an intestinaldetoxif ierand protects against infections.The chlorophylcontrolsthe intestinal transit and strengthens the organism against harmful factors. Persons over 12 are recommendedtoconsume1spoonperday,inthe morning,onanemptystomach. MadeinUSA Detoxifying liquid food supplem entm ade from organicAloe Vera juice with chlorophyl,Life Care® detoxif ier € 34.99 lasttim e in catalog 895 74 WEIGHTLOS ANDDETOXIFICATION AcaiHealthy Mix,with BIO acaiand ginger,Life Care® liverprotector Based on a greatcom bination ofAcaiextract, papayaanddandelionleaves,theAcaiHealthy M ix,with BIO acaiand ginger,Life Care® helps for: •hepaticprotection •healthyweightlos •improveddigestion Personsover16arerecommended 1-2capsulesperday. M adeinGermany € 8.99 30capsules 7340