Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

€ 7.49 30capsules Pineapple containsan enzyme caled bromelain,which helps the body digestfasterproteinsfrom the food (normaly they can only be digested with the help of gastric juice and digestive enzymes).Due to this enzyme,pineapple can be used to purifythe blood,im prove digestive function,arthritis, sinusitis,to relieve m uscle pain (due to itsanti-inf lam m atory action). Bromelain prevents orminimizes a lotofhealth problems: anginapectoris,transientischem icatack,relievesthrom bosis andthrombophlebitisandcanreducecholesteroldeposits. Personsover16 are recommended 1 capsule perday,in the afternoonorintheevening. M adeinGermany Pineapple fordigestion, Life Care® digestiveadjuvant 738 Ginger is widely used for healthy digestive support and gastrointestinaltracthealth.The active ingredientssupport the growth ofbenef icialintestinalmicro-organisms,which arevitalforintestinalhealth. Recommendeddose:2tablets/day,aftermeal, onlyforpersonsaged14yearsandover. M adeinGermany •Healthydigestivesystem •Supportsstomachhealthandcomfort •Tonicandenergising •Fastabsorption OrganicGingerRoot,500m g,Life Care® supportsdigestivehealth € 9.49 30tablets 7106 RO-ECO-0 8 27% DISCOUNT 76 WEIGHTLOS ANDDETOXIFICATION