Life Care Catalogue Spring - Summer 2024

The Com plete detoxification pack for30 days opensthewayforahealthyweightlos ! Detoxif icationisveryim portantintheproces of losingweight.Ithastheroleofpurif icationand activationofinternalorgans. • 2XSlimMeforweightlos ,with BIO greenteaextract,LifeCare® • Sm oothieVeganDetox,LifeCare® • M ultiPlusVit,w ithvitam insand m inerals,Life Care® • RenaloComplex,withBIO pum pkinseeds,LifeCare® You practicaly receive asa giftRenalo Com plex,with BIO pum pkin seeds,Life Care® (code 765). The Com plete weightlos pack for30 days, duetoitssynergicefect,burnsfat,optimizes theentiremetabolism,supportseliminationof toxinsandprovidesvegannutrientsofthe highestquality. • 2XSlimMeforweightlos ,withBIO green teaextract,Life Care® • Sm oothieVeganProtein,LifeCare® • RenaloComplex,withBIO pumpkin seeds,Life Care® • 2xBM agnif icent,vitamincomplex B1,B2,B3,B5,B6,B12,LifeCare® You practicaly receive asa giftB Magnificent,vitam in com plexB1,B2,B3, B5,B6,B12,Life Care® (code 1513). The Com plete anti-celulite pack for30 days improvesproblematictis uetexturebyacting localy,anditalsoim provescirculation. • M agicSuperFood,37es ential nutrients,Life Care® • OrganicM atcha,LifeCare® • 2xPineapplefordigestion,LifeCare® • Anti-CeluliteGel,w ith BIO m int,LifeCare® • GinkgoBiloba,w ithlecithin,LifeCare® • Regeneratingbodycream,withBIO m ountainarnica,LifeCare® You practicaly receive asa giftM agic SuperFood,37 es entialnutrients, Life Care® (code 7008). The Com plete energypack for30 days nourishes, energizesandoptimizesmetabolism andreduces stres .Itisidealforactivepersons,whoworkout andwhowanttoimprovetheirphysicalcondition. • M agicSuperFood,37es ential nutrients,Life Care® • Sm oothieVeganProtein,LifeCare® • OrganicM atcha,LifeCare® • Antioxidant,w ithvitam insand coenzym eQ10,LifeCare® • M agneBeHappy,withmagnesium andvitam inB6,LifeCare® You practicaly receive asa giftM agic SuperFood,37 es entialnutrients, Life Care® (code 7008). € 54.99 € 59.99 € 54.99 € 63.99 83 WEIGHTLOS ANDDETOXIFICATION 24% DISCOUNT 4601 7019 4234 4235 22% DISCOUNT 8% DISCOUNT 13% DISCOUNT 33% DISCOUNT