Happiness Journal July - August 2024 -IR

7 July 2nd - August 22nd, 2024 Once your card has been activated and you placed a personal order in the previous month, you will receive a 21% discount in the second month. As you place consecutive monthly orders within the program, you will receive a 22% discount during these months. In the sixth month, by placing a personal order every month within the program, you will receive a 24% discount. Want more details? Get in touch with the person who handed you this material, or if you are already a Life Care® partner, contact your sponsor or team leader! Place an order of at least 50 € and receive the Life Care® Card as a GIFT. Activate it on the website www.club.life-care.com/VIPcard before placing the order for the next month and enjoy many benefits, discounts, and personalized promotions. Life Care® LOYALTY Program What does LOYALTY mean? Ho does retaining your team partners hel you? Ho d you retain your team partners? What are the main benefits o the LOYALTY Program? Ho can you get a 24% DISCOUNT Month 1 Month 2 Month 6 Months 3-4-5 on your favorite products b placing a monthl order for 6 months? Scan the QR CODE belo Don't hesitate an longer! Loyalty represents the process of building and maintaining long-lasting and loyal relationships between you and your team: Sponsors, Leaders, and existing Partners. Loyalty extends beyond repeated purchases and includes aspects like active community involvement and providing feedback to constantly improve the buying experience. Retaining your partners offers multiple benefits and significantly contributes to your business success. Let us show you 10 ways to retain your team partners! Let us tell you more about how you can enjoy predictable income with the help of the Life Care® LOYALTY Program! Online, by entering the card code you received with your first LifeCare® Partner order directly at www.club.life-care.com/VIPcard EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTS with DISCOUNTS of up to 90%: you have the opportunity to purchase exclusive products at extremely advantageous prices, saving considerably. FREE ACCESS to online webinars about a healthy lifestyle, nutrition, and personal development: you have the opportunity to participate in interactive webinars and presentations given by experts in the fields of health and personal development. Do you want predictable income? Retain your team partners starting with the LOYALTY Program!  Financial Stability (predictable recurring income)  Relationship Cultivation (sharing positive experiences)  Resource Reduction (saving time, energy, and money)  Credibility and Reputation (actively promoting your experience)  Team Motivation (achieving your goals and enjoying success) 260 € 300 products through this program 24% DISCOUNT 90% DISCOUNT 1. Constant and personalized communication with your team partners 2. Send updates, new information, and personalized special offers 3. Use the agreed communication channel 4. Exclusive offers and promotions 5. Make them feel valued and appreciated 6. Provide added value by offering resources and information 7. Help them maximize their benefits 8. Offer feedback and involvement through quick responses, clarifications, and follow-up 9. Create a community by participating in meetings and events 10. The Loyalty Program Ho d you ACTIVATE THE CARD? Month 1 20% Month 2 21% Month 3 22% Month 4 22% Month 5 22% Month 6 24% Significant SAVINGS, up to Access to over Helps you reach a You have the chance ORGANIC, natural, and vegan within the first 6 months to try TOP products with up to a In addition t these discounts, the Life Care® Loyalt Program comes with a range o additional benefits for you: Work with the partners in your team, hel them become loyal partners, and develo a health , stable, and profitable business! and discover EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNTS for Life Care® Loyal Partners! Choose t gain: HEALTH, TIME, and significant SAVINGS!