Catalog Life Care UK

Face cream ,with BIO cham om ile,Life Care® nourishesandsoothestheskin £ 8.39 The nourishing face cream isidealforthe care of sensitive skin,w ith a m oisturizing and soothing efect.The concentration ofnaturalherb extracts such asSheabuter,BIO chamomile,BIO vine,BIO almond oil and BIO jojoba oil, combined with alantoin and panthenol,isexcelentfordailyskin care and beauty rituals,with efects ofslowing downtheprematureagingoftheskin. The Face cream ,w ith BIO cham om ile,Life Care® helpstheskinregainitsnaturalsupplenes ,giving itavelvetyandhealthylook.Thecream hasatriple action:chamomile -nourishes,soothesand helps tis ue regeneration, alantoin - helps produce colagen and protects the skin from harmful factors,panthenol-softens and moisturizes the skin,restoring itsnaturalelasticity. M adeinGermany 200 ml Lip balm ,with BIO calendula,Life Care® protectionandm oisturizing 5 g £ 3.79 BIO marigolds together with the olive oilcare and hydrate the lips, ofering them a naturaland healthy aspect with every application. Excelentforsunorwinddriedlips. M adeinGermany 106 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE 4571 4600 Cream,with BIO grape seed oiland calendula, Life Care® helps maintain a youthfullook and prevents dehydration of the skin, gives epidermis its brightnes and smoothnes, delayingskinaging. Due to the grape seed oil,the cream iseasily absorbedbytheskin,moisturizesitandrestores itsnaturalelasticity. In addition,the calendula extracts provide the optimal level of nutrients and vitamins that stimulate cel regeneration, making the skin softer,givingitahealthyappearance. M adeinGermany Cream ,with BIO grape seed oiland calendula,Life Care® hydrationandregeneration £ 9.49 200 ml 4546