Catalogue Life Care spring -summer 2024 - UK

Only £ 5.59inMONTH 3 throughtheW elcomeProgram! Detailsonpages135-137. £ 15.89 100 g Extracted from the seedsoftheshea tree fruit,considered sacred in African culture. SHEA BUT ER -MIRACLEFOR THESKIN! Richinvitam insA,E,D andF,natural antioxidants Containsoleicacid,palm iticacidandlinolenic acid,indispensableforelasticandhydrated skin Thebestnaturalremedyagainstpremature agingoftheskin M adeinGermany Shea buteristhe productthatyou can actualy use from headtotoe,asam oisturizer,skinorhairm askor naturalrem edyforiritationorf lakyskin! SHEA BUT ER -skin'sbestfriend! ALSO RECOMMENDED FOR PREGNANT WOMEN Shea Buter,natural,Life Care® stimulatestis ueregeneration 4019 intensely m oisturizes dry skin regeneratesdrylips preventstheformation ofstretchm arksand reducesthem during pregnancy benef icialfor crackedheels providesprotection againstsunrays (UVAandUVB) hasaregenerating efect reducesf ine wrinkles giveselasticity to the skin soothesiritations andrednes soothes sunburns 108 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE