Catalog Life Care UK

Deo rol-on Mann,with BIO calendula,Life Care® protectssensitive skin The Deo rol-on M ann,with BIO calendula, Life Care® moisturizes and protects the sensitive skin ofthe armpit,doesnotinhibit perspiration, supports the normal functioning of the sweat glands, while preventing unpleasant odors. It does not contain alum inum particles, artif icial dyes anddoesnotblockpores.Itissuitableforal skin types,even forsensitive skin. M adeinGermany 4457 111 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE The Aftershave lotion,M ann,Life Care® has a long lasting fragrance and hydrating substancesto tone and refreshmen’sskin.A perfectshavingendswithafresh after-shave thatrestores the healthy balance ofthe shaved skin. The peak notes ofer the fresh and invigoratingcitrusfragranceof,w hilethem edium notes captivate and atractthrough the powerofaromatic plants such as lavender and jasmine.Al these are incorporated in a strong perfume, masculine and sophisticated,givenbythewoodyaroma,suchasmusk andamberinthebasenotes. M adeinEU Aftershave lotion,M ann,Life Care® skinreinvigorationandcare 100 ml £ 8.19 50 ml £ 7.29 4582 Does not contain aluminum derivatives and artificial dyes. ALUMINIUM FRE