Catalog Life Care UK

£ 4.29 Toothpaste,with BIO cam om ile extract,Life Care® fortif ication andprotection 100 ml Thetoothpastehasanactionofstrengtheningand protection ofthe teeth and gums in a NATURAL way,due to the specialcombination ofmedicinal herbssuch as:BIO chamomile,BIO sage and BIO mint. Itcontainsactiveingredientsthatstrengthentooth enamel,preventtartarbuildup,care forthe gums andensureafeelingoffreshnes inthemouth. •protectsthegums •strengthenstoothenamel •givesafeelingoffreshnes •DoesNOTcontainf luorine M adeinGermany 4079 4085 113 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE £ 5.69 100 ml W hitening toothpaste,with activated charcoal,Life Care® restoresthenaturalwhitenes ofteeth Oralhygiene hasaveryimportantrole forthe health of ourbody,therefore dentalcare mustbe a priority in everydaylife.Properoralhygieneises entialtoprevent dentalproblem sandm aintainoralhealth. Activated charcoal,also know n asm edicinalcharcoal,is used in many health remedies because of its high absorption power. Its purifying and detoxifying properties help to neutralize, eliminate and remove toxins produced by bacteria, the main cause of unpleasantodorsandstainsontheteeth. M adeinGermany 10% DISCOUNT