Catalog Life Care UK

Soft with the baby's skin. Dermatologically tested 1.5 L £ 17.19 BIO Liquid detergent, with soap nutsand es entiallavender oil,Life Care® BIO certif ied •gentle on sensitive skin •washes,cleansandperfumesnaturaly •maintainsthecolourofthelaundry •pleasantlavenderscent •containsrenewableraw m aterials M adeinAustria BIO Liquid detergent, with soap nutsand es ential cham om ile oil,"Mother and baby",Life Care® BIO certif ied •leaveslaundrysoft andvelvety •maintainsthecolourof thelaundry •thereisnoneedto useconditioner •suitableforaltypesofclothes (silk,w ool,synthetics) •doesnotcontainperfume M adeinAustria £ 18.59 1.5 L 954 959 117 HOMECAREPRODUCTS