Catalog Life Care UK

£ 11.79 60 ml M agicRol,with BIO plants,Life Care® reducesmusclepain 4458 M agic Rol with organic plantsisa UNIQUE "anti-pain" concept,in rol-on format,extremely easy to use and transport! Its "magic" FORMULA W ITH ORGANIC PLANTSsuch as: organic Aloe Vera, organic Sage, organic Rosemary, organic Olives,mountain arnica,mint,chamomile and others are wel known for their important role in reducingaverywidespectrum ofpain. M adeinItaly Coversover20 typesofpain: o rapidreliefofpaininvariousareas,suchasthecervicalarea,neck, w rists,arm s,knees,anklesorm uscles; o soothesskiniritations,eventhosecausedbyinsectbites! IM M EDIATEEF ECT FASTABSORPTION VERYPLEASANTSMEL EASYTO CARRY EASYTOUSE DID YOU KNOW thatmuscleand jointpainafectapproxim ately 80% ofthepopulation? A trulyMAGICproduct! CONVINCEYOURSELFand DON'Tletpainafectyourlife! EFFECTIVE ON MORE THAN 20 TYPES OF PAIN Only £ 3.59inMONTH 2 throughtheW elcomeProgram! Detailsonpages135-137. 10 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY