Catalog Life Care UK

£ 10.59 500 ml Bathroom care solution with es entialpepperm intoil,Life Care® removeslimescaledeposits •deepcleaning •lim escaledestroyer •protectssanitaryac es oriesagainstbacteria Thecom binationofnatural ingredientsandoilseasilyrem oves thedirtfrom thebathroom. Spray evenly on dirty surfaces oruse the productwith amoistcloth and leave on for 1-5 minutes,asrequired,dependingon the degree ofsoilng.W etthe tile jointsbefore applyingandrinsew ithwaterafterit.Testa smal,hidden spotto check the materials durabilty.Donotusetheproductonmarble, lim estoneorotheracid-sensitivesurfaces. M adeinGermany PACKAGE 100% RECYCLED ECODETERGENT 975 123 HOMECAREPRODUCTS 508 £ 10.99 750 ml Active Gel,with es entialpepperm int oilforcleaning the toilet,Life Care® scalesandprovidesshine •descales •sanitizes • cleans •providesshine •deodorizesleaving afreshsmel M adeinGermany ECODETERGENT