Catalog Life Care UK

125 HOMECAREPRODUCTS 175 g £ 28.99 ZEO Active,organicpowder forcleaning fruitsand vegetables,Life Care® 100% natural By decontam inating with ZEO Active,organic powder,Life Care® the fruits and vegetables, causedbytheconditionsofgrowth,harvesting, transport,packaging,storage and sale,you w il obtain: •beterresultinweightlos anddetoxif icationprograms •protectionagainstliverandkidneyfunction •theharmoniousdevelopmentofyoungchildren •cleanerandhealthierfoods •fruitsandvegetableswithouttoxicsubstances •healthierproductsforpeoplewithalergies •healthierlife! M adeinEU 9291 12% DISCOUNT 9397 ZEO GreenGras ,naturalzeolite additive,dog food,Life Care® 100% natural The idealsolution foranim allovers,which solves a pres ing problem -the urine stainson the lawn and gras and the unpleasantsmelofexcrementcaused bythepet. ZEO GreenGras ,food additive actson the acidity of urine,regulatesitbyabsorbing ammoniacalnitrogen thatcausesyelow spotsonthelawn. The dog is man's bestfriend,and its health is very importantforthe owner,that'swhyZEO GreenGras , naturalzeolite additive, dog food, Life Care® is a product: • 100% NATURAL • basedonZEOLITE • hasanimmunomodulatory efect • supportsthebalanceof thegutf lora • hasadetoxifyingefect • preventsalopecia (hairlos indogs) • theproductisnottoxic M adeinEU 375 g £ 24.49 6% DISCOUNT