Catalog Life Care UK

CannabiCalm bodybuter, with CBD 1000 m g,Life Care® relaxesm uscles COSMOS ORGANIC £ 19.89 100 ml concentrated product The CannabiCalm body buter,with CBD 1000 mg,Life Care® hasa concentrated and ultra-m oisturizing form ula based on organic oils.Itisidealforrelieving any jointormuscle discomfortand forskin care. Its consistency is suitable for mas aging the arms, legs, neck and back,takescare ofthe joints,removes the feeling ofheavy and tired legsand im provesbloodcirculation. M adeinEU 4055 4588 Body Cream with Frankincense and BIO plants,Life Care® relaxesm usclecontractions The frankincense extract in its com position,rich in active principles,caresforand restoresskin thatlacksf irm nes ,that isprematurelyaged,andgivesitsupplenes andsoftnes . Thebodycream im provesskinelasticity.TheBioingredientsin the composition,such asaloe vera,calendula,rosemaryand mint, have strong skin moisturizing, repairing and rejuvenating properties.Ithelpsto care fordry,iritated skin andregeneratestheskin. M adeinGermany £ 11.29 250 ml •restoresskin that lacksf irm nes •relaxingefectin caseofm uscle contractions •providesdelicate care •idealforsensitive ordryskin 10% DISCOUNT 11 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY