Catalog Life Care UK

Sm oothie Vegan Protein, Life Care® energizer The 100% naturalmix made ofBIO hemp protein,rice protein,BIO cocoa and coconut ofersanextremelyneces aryproteinintake to the organism, that consumed together withbananas,peaches,blackberiesorother fruits,depending on yourpreferences,turn your breakfast, snack or dinner into a colourful,deliciousandhealthym eal. Sm oothie Vegan Detox,Life Care® detoxif ier A 100% naturalspecialcombination,ofpsylium husk,f laxseeds,inulin,caraway,coriander,ginger and BIO turmeric,thatconsumed togetherwith kiwi,apples orotherfruits,depending on your preferences,turn yourbreakfast,snackordinner into a colourful,delicious and healthy meal,a great way of detoxifying the organism . It is recommendedtofolow a2 monthscureofDetox Smoothie,twiceayear.Oneortwoportionscanbe consumedinaday. Sm oothie Vegan Green,Life Care® vitam inizer The100% naturalgreenmixmadeofBIO spinach, moringa,netle,greenbarleyandspirulineofersa nutrition rich in vitam ins and es entialm inerals, that consumed together with apples, pears or otherfruits,depending on yourpreferences,turn yourbreakfast,snack ordinnerinto a colourful, deliciousandhealthymeal,helpingtostrengthen theim m une,boneandcardiovascularsystem . 1308 1306 1307 Only £ 5.59inMONTH 3 throughtheW elcomeProgram! Detailsonpages135-137. £ 14.99 150 g M adeinGermany 129 NUTRITIONANDSPORT