Catalogue Life Care spring -summer 2024 - UK

YOU CONSUME natural,ORGANICand veganproducts, testedandvalidated bymilionsof custom ers. YOU EARN money, become FINANCIALY independentand giveyourfam ily f inancialsecurity YOU HAVEMORE FRE TIME for yourselfandyour hobbies YOU HELP others bycontributing tothefutureofa new generation Youbenef itfrom SPECIAL growthand development programs YOU GETadditional DISCOUNTS of up to 50% OF Com m unity! W elcometothe Here are the firstBENEFITS asa Life Care® PARTNER: 1.YouregisterasaLifeCare® PartnerFORFRE ,withthehelpofthepersonwhohandedyouthismaterial. 2.Youchoosethehealthyproductsyouneedinyourlifeeveryday.Youreplaceconventionalproductswithorganic,naturalandveganproductsforyouandyourfamily. 3.Yougetac es toFRE trainingandsupport. 4.YouputyourPOTENTIALtowork. 5.Youearntherespectandrewardsofthecommunity. How do you FE Lyou can m ake beteruse ofyourpotential? Value yourselfand yourfam ilyand choose a healthier,m ore econom icallifestyle,al fora beterlife! M akeasmartchoicefor yourtimeandmoney! 133 MONEYAND ENTREPRENEURSHIP