Catalogue Life Care spring -summer 2024 - UK

W hatdo you getm onth bym onth in the Welcom e Program ? + + A TOP productofyourchoice atonly £ 2.99 partnerprice 20% instantDISCOUNT com paredtothe catalogprice VOUCHERworth£5 whichyoucanuseon nextmonth'sorder + + A TOP productofyourchoice atonly £ 3.59 partnerprice 21% instantDISCOUNT com paredtothe catalogprice VOUCHERworth£6 whichyoucanuseon nextmonth'sorder MONTH 1: addtoyourcartproductsinvalueof £ 63 (catalogprice)andreceive: MONTH 2: addtoyourcartproductsinvalueof £ 94 (catalogprice)andreceive: Exclusiveprogram forClubm em bers,LifeCare® partners-W elcom etoLifeCare® Program Fortifying sham poo, with BIO rosem ary, Life Care® 4103 Sham poo PHYTELENECOMPLEX, with garlicand BIO plants, Life Care® 4106 W arm ing Gel,Bear Power,with BIO plants,Life Care® 4483 MagicRol,with BIO plants, Life Care® 4458 Footcream ,with vine leavesand BIO plants,Life Care® 4330 Slim Me forweightlos , with BIO green tea extract,Life Care® 7016 W indow cleaner, Life Care® 980 Calcium and Magnesium Coral Com plex,Life Care® 774 4454 Devil’sClaw,Cooling Gel,with BIO plants, Life Care® Liquid soap,with BIO cham om ile and calendula, Life Care® 4000 Showergel,with BIO Lem on balm , Life Care® 4013 Bodycream ,with BIO calendula, Life Care® 4420 BIO Dishwashing liquid, with es entiallem ongras oil,Life Care® 935 73% DISCOUNT 54% DISCOUNT 58% DISCOUNT 62% DISCOUNT 70% DISCOUNT 63% DISCOUNT 69% DISCOUNT 69% DISCOUNT 62% DISCOUNT 59% DISCOUNT 73% DISCOUNT 63% DISCOUNT 67% DISCOUNT 136 MONEYAND ENTREPRENEURSHIP