Catalog Life Care UK

14 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY M adeinGermany Balm ,“Grandm a'scure”, w ith BIO plants,Life Care® againstheadaches Theconcentratedcombinationof eucalyptusoil,peppermintoil, rosemaryoil,organicalmondoiland sheabutercanhelprelieveheadaches. Itgivesapleasantandrefreshing sensationwhenapplied.Itcanbeused veryeasily,bym as agingthetem ples withslow movements. £ 7.29 15 ml 4405 • soothesheadaches • clearstheairways • invigorationand calmnes feeling Regenerating bodycream , with BIO m ountain arnica, Life Care® skinregeneration 4440 ArnicaMontanahasanemolient,stimulating action on peripheral circulation and an astringentand decongestive efect.Special extracts of arnica m ontana, olive oil and avocado oil from biologicaly controled environmentsprovide muscle relaxation and tis ue recovery. M adeinGermany •stim ulatesperipheral circulation •helpscelregeneration •providestoneandelasticity •slowsdowntheskin ageingproces £ 9.49 250 ml