Catalog Life Care UK

Footcream ,with urea and BIO plants,Life Care® to m aintain skin m oisture 4030 Specialycreatedforthecarefulcare ofthefeet: M adeinGermany •deeplyprotectsandhydrates •stimulatestheregenerationof theepidermis •preventstheappearanceofwrinkles •hasacalmingefect •providesafeeling ofcomfort £ 9.49 250 ml 4459 Kom fortRol with BIO plants,Life Care® lightfeetfeeling £ 9.49 40 ml Ithelps to remove the sensations offatigue and heavines of the legs by stimulating blood circulation. Basedonauniquecomplexoforganicplantssuchas aloe vera,olives,rosemary,lavender,shea buter and wheat, the Komfort Rol acts in depth and providestonedskinandlightfeet. M adeinItaly •lightlegsfeeling •stim ulatescirculation •immediateefect •uniqueorganic plantcomplex •easytouseandcary 17 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY