Catalog Life Care UK

2% DISCOUNT £ 5.39 30g(20X1.5g) A delicious mix offruitand ginger,which gives vitalityto the bodyand increasesthe physicaland mental performance. Ginger has tonic and energizing properties,helpseliminate toxinsfrom the body and stimulates blood circulation to the brain.Orangesare a rich source ofvitamin C and helpstrengthentheimmunesystem,beingagood alyofthebodyinthecoldseason. Method of preparation:For one serving, use a sachetoverwhich250mlofboilngwaterisadded. Leavetoinfusefor15m inutes,afterwhichitcanbe consumed.Dosage:2-3cupsaday. M adeinEU Organicteawith gingerand oranges, forenergy,Life Care® -food supplem ent energizesandvitalizesthebody 567 RO-ECO-008 RO-ECO-008 570 Organicteaforcough and expectoration,Life Care® expectorantandantitus ive TheBronchialteaisan herbaltea,ideal for treating cough and bronchitis. It stim ulates expectoration and releases the airways. This tea has em olient, healing and antim icrobial properties due to mucilage, saponins and es entialoils contained by Plantago. Suggestions:W e suggest2-3 cups of teaperdayforpersonsover6years. M adeinEU 30g(20x1.5g) £ 5.39 26 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY