Catalog Life Care UK

•naturalsolutionagainstcoldsandf lu •supportstheimmunesystem •canbeusedbythewholefamily •quickefect EchinaPluswith echinacea, propolisand vitam in C,Life Care® supportstheimmunesystem EchinaPlusisa dietary supplementthatofersthe synergic benef itsofthe tripletconsisting ofEchinacea,Propolisand Vitamin C from rosehip, natural sources that help the respiratorysystem ,alsoknowsfortheirbenef icialefectson Doesnotcontain potentialyalergenicsubstances! Administerby dis olving in 200 mlofwarm water, 1-3 sachets/day.Itis recommended forchildren over2yearsofage(onesachetperda)andadults. M adeinEU £ 9.99 10sachets 50g 856 Ultim ateIm m uno,with BIO acerola and wilow,Life Care® supportstheimmunesystem The cold isa viralinf lammation ofthe upperrespiratory tract.Generalfatigue and weaknes areanopendoorforthistypeofilnes .UltimateImmuno,withBIO acerola and w ilow, Life Care® is a food supplement which helps aleviate unpleasant sym ptom sofcoldandf lu,suchasfever,headaches,m uscleandjointpains. •strengthenstheimmunesystem •relievesf luandcoldsym ptom s •removesheadaches •relaxesmuscles M ethodofadministration:onetablet perdayisrecommended,onlyforpeople from 16yearsofage. M adeinGermany 7040 29 £ 10.89 30tablets HEALTHANDIMMUNITY