Catalog Life Care UK

ReishiMushroom Extract, 400 m g,Life Care® strengthenstheimmunesystem The Reishimushroom,or Ganoderma Lucidum,is quite litle known in the W est,buthasbeen highly valuedintheAsianworldforthousandsofyearsand is one of the oldest symbols of wel-being and longevity. Reishi, also caled the "mushroom of immortality or the great immune protector", has beenusedsinceancienttimesasatonic,adaptogen and immunostimulantofthe body.Ithas a biter, woody taste,butwith extraordinary properties for preventing colds and viral infectious diseases, signif icantly im proving the naturaldefense capacity ofthe body,increasing the production ofimmune system cels. In addition to proteins,vitam insand am ino acids,it also contains a high concentration ofm ineralsalts such as zinc, magnesium, calcium, organic germanium andpolysac haridesthathavebenef icial efectsontheimmunesystem andcirculation. Itisrecommended2capsulesperdayaftermeal, from 16yearsofage. M adeinGermany £ 12.99 30capsules 7081 Propolisissaid to be the mostpowerfulnaturalantibiotic in the world,andcertainlythef irstdiscoveredbyhum ansinhistory. Propolisisa mixture ofsubstancesfrom nature,colected bybees andstoredinthehive:oils,resin,balm s,polenandwax. Itsamazing antibioticefectisdue to asubstance caled galangin, which boosts the resistance ofthe immune system.In addition, propolis is also rich in vitamins A,B1,B2,B3 and C,in calcium, magnesium,zinc,iron,silcon,potas ium,phosphorusand copper, butalsoinotheres entialminerals. •strengthenstheimmunesystem •protectsthegeneralhealthofthebody •richinvitam insandm inerals Recommendeddoseis1capsule perday,forages16andover. M adeinGermany £ 11.79 Propolis,Life Care® strengthensimmunity 30capsules 737 30 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY