Catalog Life Care UK

Zinc,Life Care® activatesthecelularfunctions Zincisa mineraltrace elementwhich ises entialto the body and is important in: its growth and development, in neurological and reproductive functions, but especialy in supporting the immune system. Zinchasan es entialrole in: • the proper functioning of the immune system and the celular metabolism and rejecting pathogens,thusreducing the severity and durationofviralinfectiousdiseasesorcolds •m aintainingtheactivesensessuchastasteandsm el •bone formation and tis ue growth -zinchelpsabsorb calcium in the bones,thusmaintaining theirhealth butalso theirrecoveryin case of fractures •im proving blood circulation and cognitive functions-zinc m aintains thebalanceofbrainfunctionsandises entialinbraindevelopment •formationofcolageninordertomaintain healthyskin,hair and nails Foranoptimalevelofzinc andahealthybody,acorect andvarieddietisneces ary. Methodofadministration:one tabletperdayisrecommended. M adeinGermany 7074 £ 7.29 30tablets 30capsules DE-ÖKO-007 OrganicColostrum ,400m g,Life Care® antibodiesforimmunity £ 16.79 TheOrganicColostrum ,400m g,LifeCare® helpstoas im ilatenutrients that promote increased energy levels,ensures the balance ofthe immunesystem,supportsthehealthofthedigestivetractandhelpsto restorenerve,boneandmuscletis ues. The gutf lora is represented by al the microorganisms found in the digestive tract. A goodfunctioningofthebodyisdeterminedbyagutf loraasdiverse aspos ible,whichmustbekeptinbalance. Itisrecommended2 capsulesadayfor adultsand1capsulea dayforchildrenfrom theageof6years. M adeinGermany 7070 31 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY