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7072 Quercetin PlusVitam in C,Life Care® improvestheimmunesystem Quercetinisabiof lavonoid,apigmentpresentinmanyvegetables,fruitsand f lowers.Thisantioxidantsubstance isvery importantforthe health ofthe body and helpsreduce free radicalsand fatoxidation.Quercetin isfound abundantly in capers,red onions,radishesand apples,butthe vegetable with the highestamountofquercetin isred onion,more precisely the part from the rootsand outerlayer.The Quercetin PlusVitamin C,Life Impulse® supplementcontains500mgofquercetinextractedfrom redonionpeeland 50mgofVitaminC. Quercetin isa 100% naturaldietary supplem entand isrecom m ended for: •maintainingthehealthoftheimmune, respiratoryandcardiovascularsystem •reductionofoxidativestres •reductionofinf lam m ationandalergic m anifestations Vitam in Cisone ofthe m ostim portant vitam insneeded bythe hum an body: •helpssupporttheimmunesystem •isasupportinpreventingandrelievingthe sym ptom sofcoldandf lu •protectsthebodyagainstoxidativestres Itisrecommended1capsule/day,beforemeals, onlyforpeoplefrom theageof16. M adeinGermany 14.99 30capsules 8042 ProbioLife,with germ com plex,Life Care® probioticsforintestinalf lora 30capsules £ 14.99 The balance of the enteric f lora is very sensitive.Numerousfactorscan disturb the levelofenteric bacteria:diferenttypesof m edication, certain digestive ilnes es, stres etc. ProbioLife,with germ com plex,Life Care®, isa com plexofthree germ s: Lactobacilus acidophilus, Enterococus thermophilusand Lactobacilusrhamnosus, w hich are,in total,over5 bilion bacteria friendlyforus. M ethod ofadm inistration:1-2 capsules/day are recommended,starting from the age of 5, for 3-6 months after strong drug treatm entsorpersistent infections. M adeinGermany Over 5 bilions useful m icroorganism s 3% DISCOUNT 32 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY