Catalogue Life Care spring -summer 2024 - UK

NEW! 7310 Dietary supplementsupportsthe body'shealth and providesoptimal energyandvitalityeveryday. The active ingredientsin the composition contribute to normalenergy metabolism,normalfunctioningoftheimmune,nervous,muscularand bonesystemsandprovidethebodywithacomplexnutrientformula. Energy and Vitality: VitaminBcomplexsupportsnormalfunctioningof energy metabolism and maintainsoptimalfunctioning ofthe nervous system. Strong Im m unity: Nutrientssuch asvitaminsC,D3,E and vitamin B complexcontributetotheefectivefunctioningoftheimmunesystem. Antioxidant Efect: The vitam in and m ineralcom plex protects cels from oxidativestres byneutralisingtheefectsoffreeradicals. Muscle and bone health: Es entialsource of calcium,iron and vitamin D3,which supports muscle health and maintains optimal bone structure and function. Recommended 1 capsule perday,aftera meal, onlyforpeopleaged16andover. M adeinGermany •complexnutrientformula •strengthenstheimmunesystem •powerfulantioxidantefect •dailysourceofvitam insandm inerals MegaCom plex,es entialvitam ins and m inerals,Life Care® advancednutrientformula £ 17.99 30capsules 33 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY