Catalogue Life Care spring -summer 2024 - UK

7089 500 ml £ 24.49 Colagen BoosterLiquid DietarySupplem ent forJointswith Vitam in D3 and Organic rosehips,Life Care® providesstrengthtojoints,m uscles,hairandskin Itisa dietary supplementwith multiple benef itsforhair,skin and nails,m aintainsskin elasticityand reducesf ine w rinkles.It alsohelpsimprovemobiltyandhelpsreducejointdiscomfort. Colagen is the mostabundantprotein in ourbody and itis found in mosttis uesofthe human body.Colagen isnaturaly presentin the muscle,bone and jointsystem,skin and blood ves els,digestive andcirculatorysystem . Colagen'srole isto help m aintain skin elasticity and support the health ofbones,joints,m uscles,cartilage,ligam ents,and nerves. Method ofadministration:20 ml/day are recommended.Pregnantwomen,lactating womenandchildrenunder12yearsofage must use it only based on doctor's recommendation. M adeinItaly Only £ 11.99inMONTH 4 throughtheW elcomeProgram! Detailsonpages135-137. •maintainsthehealthofthebone,muscleandjointsystem •providesstrengthtotheskin,hairandnails •improvesmetabolism •strongantioxidantefect 35 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY