Catalog Life Care UK

36 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY MenstroEasy,with nightlight oilsand vitam in E,Life Care® relievespremenstrualsymptoms A dietarysupplementthathelpsremedynatural prem enstrualsyndrom e(PM S)naturaly. The capsules are based on Yelow Evening-primrose (Oenothera biennis) oil,an im portant source of unsaturated faty acids, es entialintheregulationofmetabolism. M ethodofadm inistration:2capsules/dayare recommended,onlyforpeoplefrom theageof 16. M adeinGermany 30capsules £ 7.69 Menopause,with Evening prim rose powder,Life Care® reducesmenopausalsymptoms The unique mix ofherbs,based on evening primrose,horsetail,sage and Gingko Biloba extract,helpsin reducing hormonaldisorders such as hot f lashes, exces ive perspiration, depres ionandfatigue. •reducesmenopausalsymptoms •helpsregulatenerveandmusclefunctions •improvesmood •benef icialefectonbloodcirculation Personsover18arerecommended 2capsulesaday,duringm eals. M adeinGermany £ 9.49 30capsules 7420 1511 •remedyforpremenstrualsyndrome •strengthenstheimmunesystem •helpsnormalizebloodpres ure •increasesskin elasticity 7083 The complex of ingredients such as Maca, Aschwagandha,greenteaandomega3contributes to improving the generalmood,supporting vitality andresistancetostres .M acaisasuperfood,known forits abilty to increase the energy ofthe body, Aschwagandha helps f ightstres and protectthe nervous system, green tea acts as a good antioxidant ocom batoxidativestres ,andOmega3 playsan importantrole in developing the brain and heartstructureandfunctions. Method of administration: it is recommended 2 capsulesperdayaftermeal.Itisonlyrecommended forpeoplefrom 16yearsofage. M adeinGermany EnergyMaca,with Aschwagandha and Om ega3,Life Care® itimprovesyourmood £ 15.39 30capsules