Catalog Life Care UK

100% BIO NONIJUICE NO PRESERVATIVES lasttim e in catalog •100% BIO NoniJuice •BIO (organic)certif iedproduct •regeneratescels •m aintainsphysicalandm entaltone 7105 L-Tyrosine Com plex,Life Care® optimalsupportofthethyroidgland The dietary supplement represents a balanced com bination ofam ino acids,vitam ins,and m ineralsthat supports the normal activity of the thyroid gland. It providesthe neces ary precursorsforthe production of thyroid hormones,which supportsnaturalenergy levels andaleviatesstres andanxiety. *Theproductisrecommendedforhypothyroidism. 20-30mlperday/adults,and10ml/day forchildren,startingfrom theageof3years. M adeinGermany •supportsthehealthymetabolism ofthethyroidgland •promotesthefunctionsofthyroidhormones •helpsreducecortisolevelsthatcaninterfere withthyroidhormones Recommended1capsuleperday. Recommendedonlyforindividuals aged18andover. M adeinGermany OrganicNoniJuice Liquid Food Supplem ent,Pure Noni,Life Care® energyandvitality An undeniable formula of100% PURE Nonifruitjuice, certif ied asorganicplant,from French Polynesia,rich in antioxidants,vitam insandm inerals. Due to the content of antioxidants, vitamin C and selenium, the noni fruit f ights free radicals, while providing a sense ofwel-being and extra energyto the body. It maintains physical and mental tone and revitalizesthebodyandmind. 500 ml £ 31.69 DE-ÖKO-007 8118 £ 17.99 30capsules 37 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY 10% DISCOUNT