Catalog Life Care UK

£ 7.49 30capsules MagicE,with m agnesium and vitam in E,Life Care® complexofM agnesium andVitaminE BasedonaM agnesium andEvitamincomplex, itisbenef icialto the vascularsystem ,and for thestabilzationofthebloodpres ure. •strongantioxidant •greatefectsonskin •helpsnew celsformation •magnesium helpscalcium as imilationin thebones •relaxesmuscles Dosage:2capsulesperdayforpersons agedover12. M adeinGermany 1581 DE-ÖKO-007 OrganicPure Moringa,Life Care® generaltonic 30tablets £ 10.39 7036 OrganicPureM oringa,LifeCare® is a nutritionalycomplexsupplementrichin vitam ins,m ineralsandam inoacids. •restoresbalancetothebody •reducesfatigue •elim inatesfreeradicals •supportslongevity •strengthensimmunity 1-2capsulesperdayarerecommended,to personsover16yearsofage. M adeinGermany 38 30capsules £ 7.29 FerVit,w ith BIO acerola,Life Care® importantsourceofiron A productbased on BIO ferous lactate,an important source of Iron, the main responsible for oxygen transportation throughtheorganism. •preventsfatigue •Cvitam instim ulatesironabsorptionin theintestines •suitableforphysicalyactivepersons andathletes •suitableforvegetariansorvegans Dosage:1-2capsuleforpersonsover12. M adeinGermany 1597 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY