Catalog Life Care UK

M agnesium ises entialformany biochemicalreactionsin the bodyandpromotesenergyproductionandsupportsmuscleand nervefunction. Pure and concentrated source of magnesium chloride, extractedfrom theancientZechsteinSea,insprayform ,easyto useandapply. M agnesium oilis recommended forpeople with magnesium def iciencies, the elderly (because they have diff iculty tolerating capsules)and athletes.Itcan be used in adultsand children, and is also suitable for use during pregnancy/pregnancy. M adeinItaly £ 20.39 60 ml Magnesium OilSpray, M agneActive,Life Care® fastabsorbing 7339 NEW! Com plexwith vitam in D3 (2000 IU),K2 and Om ega 3 flax,Life Care® maintainsbonehealth Only £ 5.59inMONTH 3 throughtheW elcomeProgram! Detailsonpages135-137. £ 12.69 30capsules Yourbone health isveryimportant.You need adietary supplementwith a high vitamin D3 contentto helpyoum aintainit. Itimproves the mood,supports the functioning of the immune system and comesasa supportforthe cardiovascularsystem . M ethodofadm inistration: 2capsules/dayarerecommended, onlyforpeoplefrom theageof14. M adeinGermany •containsvitaminsD3(2000IU), K2andOmega3from Linum •ensurescalcium f ixation •supportsthefunctioningofthe immunesystem •improvesmood 7044 41 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY •jointandmusclehealth •stim ulatesbrain activity andnervebalance •keepsbonesstrong