Catalog Life Care UK

ActiveSalicin,w ith w hite w ilow bark extract,Life Care® naturalsource ofsalicin ActiveSalicin,w ith w hite w ilow barkextract, Life Care® is the efective combination of naturalingredients such as white linseed, turm eric, Indian incense, cat's claw and magnesium that help eliminate discomfort sym ptom s at the articular level,increasing theabiltytoregeneratetis ues. M ethod ofadministration:1-2 capsules/day are recommended,only forpeople from 16 yearsofage. M adeinGermany £ 12.69 30capsules 7042 •analgesicandnaturalenergyvitalizer •fasterrecoveryofthebody •m aintainsjointhealth •increasesenergylevels Foodsupplementthathelpsthebodyrecoverfaster. M SM hasnumeroushealthbenef its,beinges entialin theproperfunctioningofthebody. M SM isanantioxidant,detoxifyingand anti-inf lam m atorysubstance,beingafrequent componentofjointmaintenanceformulas,which reducesmuscleandjointdiscomfort. M ethodofadministration:1 capsule/dayis recommended,onlyfor peoplefrom theageof16. M adeinGermany MSM Power,Life Care® m aintainsjointhealth £ 9.49 30capsules 7037 42 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY