Catalogue Life Care spring -summer 2024 - UK

• HydrolyzedM arineColagen,TypeI • Highabsorption • Optim albioavailabilty • Jointf lexibiltyandm obilty • Providesstructureandelasticitytotis ues Actsfrom the inside to im prove colagen production,a keyelem ent ofjointvitality and health! 17% DISCOUNT JointPower,Hydrolyzed Marine Colagen,Life Care® MuscleandJointRecovery Colagen isfound naturaly in the joint,muscle and bone systems,aswelasin the skin,blood ves els,circulatory and digestive system s.Itis es ential for health and provides numerous benef itstothebody. Recommended dose: 2 capsules/day, after meal,onlyforpersonsaged16yearsandover. M adeinGermany £ 18.59 30capsules 7107 ArtroLife,with green shel extract,Life Care® forjointelasticity Thefoodsupplementcontainsthe green-sheledclam Pernacanaliculus.It isnativetoNew Zealandandcontains Omega3fatyacids,vitaminsand m inerals.Italsocontainsorganicvitam in Cincom binationw ithvitam inE,selenium and zinc. •improvesjointmobilty •protectsandhelpsregeneratingthe spinalcolumnafectedbytheaging proces •efectivehelpwithjointdiscomfort Personsover15arerecommended 1capsuleperday. M adeinGermany £ 11.79 30capsules 766 43 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY