Catalog Life Care UK

GalangalRootExtract, 400 m g,Life Care® es entialnutrients Galangal (Alpinia officinarum and Alpinia galangal) is part of the ginger family Zingiberaceae and is an im portant source of antioxidants,vitam insandm inerals. Native to SoutheastAsia,thisroothasbeen used for centuries in traditional Asian and Chinese medicine due to its rich contentofpolyphenols andphytonutrients. •strongantioxidantefect •supportsbrainhealth •strengthenstheimmunesystem •gastrointestinalbalance 1 capsule perday aftera mealisrecommended onlyforpeopleaged12andover. M adeinGermany Powerfulsource ofantioxidants Galangalrootisrich in polyphenols,a group ofantioxidantsthathelp improve memoryandhealthycholesterolandbloodsugarlevels. Helps m aintain cardiovascularfunction and hearthealth by im proving blood circulationandm aintaininghealthybloodpres ure. Rich in phytonutrients Galangalrhizomes contain f lavonoids,tannins and phenolic compounds with jointdiscomfort-reducing properties,and the calcium and potas ium content helpsmaintainoptimalbonedensity. Protects cels againstoxidative stres ,supports the body's immunity and the healthyfunctionsofthestom achandrespiratorysystem . 30capsules £ 21.99 7109 NEW! 20% DISCOUNT 45 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY