Catalog Life Care UK

13% DISCOUNT Vitam in A 5000 IU,Life Care® supportshealthyeyesight,skin andbodyimmunity Vitam in A supportshealthy vision,skin and bodyimmunity. The human bodyconstantlyneedsvitamins and minerals to function properly.In the absence of these substances, the body's main functions begin to weaken and thus imbalancesariseinthebody. Vitamin A ises entialforeyesight,healthy skinandastrongerimmunesystem. Recommendeddose1capsule/day,onlyfor peopleaged15andover. M adeinGermany £ 10.39 30capsules 7103 The lackofes entialnutrientsand improperdietary habits may negatively afectthe health ofnailsand hair.Beauty Forte,w ith hyaluronic acid,Life Care®,through itsvitamin andmineralcomplex,preventsandreduceshairlos ,brings back the physiologicalbalance ofthe hair,stimulatesthe naturalandhealthygrowth ofhairandnails,strengthening them atthesametime. 1capsuleperdayisrecommended,topersonsover16years of age. M adeinGermany £ 12.69 30capsules Beauty Forte,with hyaluronicacid,Life Care® hairandnailsupplement 7039 46 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY