Catalogue Life Care spring -summer 2024 - UK

Turm eriCool,with piperine and curcum in,Life Care® removestoxinsfrom thebody The TurmeriCool, with piperine and curcum in,Life Care®,asupplementwith aproportionof95% curcumin,thePURE extract of turm eric, but also w ith a special recipe, a com bination that greatly increases the eff iciency ofthe ingredient in the body. Bioperine or piperine is a black pepperextractthat helpstheas imilationofcurcumininthe blood,increasing itsbiovaliditybyup to 2000% .Of Asian origin,turmeric can increase the liver's abilty to elim inate toxins, can im prove blood circulation, neuronal proces es and can have hepatoprotective properties*. It can have antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inf lam m atorybenef its. Itis recommended 1 capsule perday, aftermeals,forpeople over15 yearsof age. M adeinGermany COMPLEX FORMULA: CURCUMIN + PIPERINE = INCREASED EFFECT! COMPLEX FORMULA £ 13.99 20capsules 7012 50 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY