Catalog Life Care UK

Om ega 3 with fish oil,Life Care® cardiovascularprotection £ 8.59 Om ega-3 faty acids are clas if ied as "es ential" becausetheyarenotproducedbyourbody.Inother words,theycanonlybeobtainedfrom ourdietand food supplements.Fish oil,rich in Omega 3 faty acids,vitaminsA and D,contributesto the mental health,improves memory and protects the heart from m entalstres . •cardioprotector •naturales entialfatyacids •containsvitam insA,D •m aintainsnervoussystem health M ethodofadministration:onegelatinecapsule perday,onlyforpeoplefrom theageof16. M adeinGermany 30capsules 747 Alpha lipoicacid com plex, w ith biotin,Life Care® strengthensbloodves els Alpha lipoicacid isthe waterand fat-soluble substance thathelps transportglucose to the muscles,butitcan also be an antioxidant thatprotectscelsfrom theactionoffreeradicals. Itactsintracelularly,w hereittransform scarbohydratesintoenergy, contributes to the normalmetabolism ofmacronutrients and the maintenanceofnormalbloodglucoseconcentration. M ethodofadministration: 2capsules/day,onlyfor peoplefrom theageof16. M adeinGermany £ 13.59 3% DISCOUNT 30capsules •transportsglucosetothebody •excelentantioxidantforthebody •supportsthecardiovascularsystem •providesenergytothebody 7051 54 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY