Catalog Life Care UK

15% DISCOUNT •vasoprotectiveefect •im provesbloodcirculation •contains2,000UF(f ibrinolyticunits) £ 19.99 30capsules 7320 55 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY NEW! Natokinase enzym e,2.000 FU,Life Care® healthyvascularsystem Discoverthe innovative new dietary supplementwith Natokinase, created specif icaly for vascular and cardiovascular health. W ith concentrated benef its for your vascular system, this premium supplementprovides optimalsupportforan active and balanced lifestyle. VascularSystem Health: Natokinase,an enzyme derived from nato,helps m aintain vascular system health and supportstheelasticityandstrengthofbloodves els. Capilary W al Strength: Advanced formula designed to supportcapilarywalstrength,contributetooptimalblood circulationandhelppreventcapilaryfragilty. HealthyBlood Flow: Benef itsfrom healthybloodf low due to the positive action of Natokinase, which can help m aintainefectivebloodcirculation. Supports Cardiovascular System : By supporting healthy blood ves els and heart health,this supplement helps m aintainoptim alcardiovascularsystem function. 1capsuleperdayisrecommended, onlyforadultsover35yearsofage. M adeinGermany Fibrinolytic units. One capsule of Natokinase provides 2,000 UF (f ibrinolytic units orf ibrin dis olving units),which m eansithasahighlevelofactivity. *Fibrin isa protein with a signif icantrole in blood cloting, being an esential element of the regeneration proces and,at the same time,an es entialelementformaintaining the health and wel-beingofthebody.