Catalog Life Care UK

•supportsnervoussystem functionand energylevels •es entialforpreventingstres •supportsplant-baseddiets 17% 7104 Supportsmetabolicand nervoussystem function to help improve energy and wel-being. Also contributesto improved cognitive function,memory and concentration.Besides,itisan excelentsource ofantioxidants,which can help protectyourcels againstdamage. M ethylcobalam in is the m ostbioavailable type of vitam in B12, and this m eans increased absorption and eficiencyforthe body. Recommendeddose1tablet/day, onlyforpeopleaged18andover. M adeinGermany Vitam in B12 Methylcobalam in 1000m cg,Life Care® supportsenergy,metabolism andnervous system function 30tablets £ 9.99 DISCOUNT 7102 NeurotroFIX with citicoline,Life Care® supportsbrainandnervoussystem health 6% DISCOUNT £ 23.59 30capsules Citicoline - also know n as cytidine diphosphate choline or cytidine 5-diphosphocholine is an intermediate in the generation of phosphatidylcholine from choline, a common biochemicalproces incelmembranes. Citicoline providesthe basicsubstancesthatm ake up brain cels, being a source of choline and cytidine.Itplaysan es entialrole in the form ation andmaintenanceofthestructureoftheprotective covering ofcels,aswelasin the maintenance of celularfunctions,includingenergyproduction. •improvesmemory •increasestheabiltytoconcentrateandm entalclarity •contributestotheincreaseofcognitivecapacities •providesantioxidantprotectionattheneuronalevel Recommendeddosageis1-2capsules perday.Itisrecommendedexclusively forindividualsaged30andabove. M adeinGermany 59 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY