Catalogue Life Care spring -summer 2024 - UK

Relaxer,w ith Valerian extract,Life Care® relaxing Itisa dietary supplementmade from the plantValerianaoff icinalis,one ofthe m ost famous herbs used for emotional disorders,relaxation,antidepres ion orto inducesleep. •Helpswithemotionaldisturbances •Relaxesthebody •Faciltatesfalingasleep Itisrecommended1-2capsulesperdayfor peopleover18yearsofage. M adeinGermany 30capsules £ 9.29 730 61 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY HappyDream s,with Schisandra, Noni,Rhodiola and Valeriana, Life Care® stopinsomnia 30capsules £ 13.39 Itis a dietary supplementwith fruitand plant extracts of Schisandra, Noni, Rhodiola and Valerian,w hich can induce a state ofrelaxation and counteractthe efectsofstres ,helping to relieveinsom nia. •providesasoothingsleep •removesinsomnia •helpstoeliminatestres •inducesastateofrelaxation Method of administration: 1 capsule in the evening before going to bed. It is only recommendedforpeoplefrom theageof16. M adeinGermany Rhodiola Rosea,Life Care® adaptogen Rhodiola Rosea,Life Care® f ights stres and supports psycho-emotional balance. It is a relaxingandadaptogenicdietarysupplement. •Promotespsycho-emotionalbalance • Calms •Adaptogenic Itis recommended one capsule per day for peopleover18yearsofage. M adeinGermany 30capsules £ 9.99 729 7041