Catalog Life Care UK

30capsules £ 8.59 7580 Schisandra,Energizing, Life Care® generaltonic Thedietarysupplementiscomposedofschisandra fruit, known since ancient times for its tonic, energizingandrebalancingaction. •balancesthenervoussystem •im provescelhealth •enhancesref lexes •generaltonic:Benef icialefectsonthebody, mayprolonglifespananditsquality •restoresthebeautyandradianceoftheskinin casesofeczem a,hives,alergies,andotherskin conditions Personsover15arerecommended 1-2capsulesperday. M adeinGermany 30capsules Anti-stres ,w ith Nonifruit,Life Care® antistres The Anti-stres ,w ith Nonifruit,Life Care® dietarysupplementisbased on thewonderNonifruit,anexoticfruitwithmultiplepropertiesandbenef its, includingthosetof ightof stres ,fatigueorstrengthenimmunity.Nonifruit is an excelentinvigorator,itprovides the body with extra energy and vitality,thusincreasing the abiltyto cope w ith stres fulsituations. The complex composition of the herb brings innumerable benef its. Copoletin and serotonin play a role in regulating sleep and f ighting depres ionandanxiety.Morindon,morindin,terpenoids,selenium,acubin, alazarin and anthraquinoneshave a strong antibacterial,detoxifying and immunomodulatory efect. Nitric oxide, found in the noni herb, is consideredthemostpowerfulneurotransmiter. •fortif ieroftheim m unesystem •im provesm entalstate •ofersextravitality Itisrecommended1-2 capsulesperdayforpeople over15yearsofage. M adeinGermany £ 7.29 757 62 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY