Catalog Life Care UK

5% DISCOUNT 2% DISCOUNT £ 12.69 Lady’sDesire,Life Care® sexualtonicforwomen Lady’sDesire,LifeCare® isadietarysupplement thatacts as a sexualtonic forwomen.Itis a natural aphrodisiac that increases sexual appetite and revitalizes the body.The active ingredients of plants contribute to a normal couple life by stim ulating sexualappetite and activity,stim ulatinglibidoandam plifyingsexual desire. Method ofadministration:2 capsulesadayare recommended,starting attheageof18years. M adeinFrance £ 10.89 M isterM ax,Sexualtonic, with BIO m aca,Life Care® sexualtonicformen M isterM ax,Sexualtonic,w ith BIO m aca,Life Care® isa dietary supplementformen.Itis based on a complex formula ofherbs and vitamins, the main ingredients being L-arginine,M aca,Dam iana and zinc,aswel as Vitamins B6 with energizing properties, B2, B1 and zinc that stimulates the reproductivesystem . L-A rginine canhelpmaintainnormalblood f low inthebody. Maca increaseslibidoandcanhave positive efectsin case ofinfertilty. Damiana containsbeta-sitosteroland actsfavorablyinthepreventionof depres iveconditions,provides psychologicalcom fort,slightly aphrodisiac. Zinc contributestofertiltyand reproduction,maintainsnormalevelsof testosteroneintheblood,protectscels againstoxidativestres andcontributes tothenormalfunctioningoftheimmune system. Directionsforuse:3capsulesaday, startingwiththeageof18. M adeinFrance 30capsules 30capsules 7410 740 63 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY