Catalog Life Care UK

OrganicChlorela,Life Care® es entialnutrients Chlorelaisamicroalga,whichisconsideredtobeanatural superfood, extremely nutritious and rich in proteins, vitaminsandmineralsthatcanbeconsumedintheform of tabletsorpowderaddedinvarioussmoothies. Itissaid to be the greenestalgaon Earth,due to itsvery high chlorophyl content,itis very smal and grows in freshwater.The high chlorophylcontenthasamajorrole in the proces esofceldetoxif ication and oxygenation of thebody,eliminatingtoxicsubstancesfrom thebody,such asheavymetals,thusimprovingtheimmunesystem. Itisrecommended2-5tabletsperday foradultsand1tabletperdayforchildren from 6yearsofage. M adeinGermany AcaiHealthy Mix,with BIO acaiand ginger,Life Care® liverprotector Based on agreatcombination ofAcai extract,papayaanddandelionleaves, the AcaiHealthy M ix,w ith BIO acai andginger,LifeCare® helpsfor: •hepaticprotection •healthyweightlos •improveddigestion Personsover16arerecommended 1-2capsulesperday. M adeinGermany £ 8.29 30capsules 7340 £ 7.99 60tablets DE-ÖKO-007 7075 Sm okersAid Detox,with arctium rootand BIO artichoke,Life Care® detoxw ithartichoke Themixofherbshasastrongefectofpulmonary, gastric,intestinaland a upper respiratory tract detoxif ication. Arctium root or burdock was considered a remedy for blood cleansing,and recentresearch conf irm sthis.Burdockneutralizes freeradicalsintheblood,helpseliminateureaand other residualsubstances from the body much faster, regulates hormones, helps maintain or restore norm alintestinalf lora.Artichoke leaves have a diuretic,choleretic and hepatic antitoxic action,andlowerbloodcholesterolevels. •vegetarianproduct •detoxif iesthebody •containsorganicartichoke Itisrecommended1-2 capsulesperdayduring m eals,forpeopleover 16yearsofage. M adeinGermany £ 9.99 30capsules 746 70 WEIGHTLOS ANDDETOXIFICATION