Catalog Life Care UK

11% DISCOUNT ALLERGENS, FLAVORINGS, SWEETENERS, COLORANTS DOES NOT CONTAIN Toenhanceusabilty,it comeswithadosingcap formoreeff icientuse. Detoxifying liquid food supplem ent,from OrganicAloe Vera juice with pulp,Life Care® detoxifyingandimmunoprotective Itcontainses entialbioactiveingredients-POLYSAC HARIDES-for whichAloeVeraisextremelywelknown.Overtime,AloeVerahas alsoprovenitsqualitiesinfortifyingandm aintainingthehealthof the digestive system ,byrelievingdiscom fort,w ith m ildlaxative Unpasteurized.Productwithoutgluten or geneticalym odified organism s(GMO).Doesnotcontain: alergens,flavors,sweetenersordyes. Itisrecommended25ml, twiceaday,forpeoplefrom 12 yearsofage.Itcanbe consumedpureordilutedwith waterorfruitjuice. M adeinItaly 1000 ml £ 31.29 8004 IT-BIO-008 *Containerprovided withgraduatedlidfor m oreeff icientuse. IT-BIO-008 1000 ml Itisagreatsourceofvitam insandm inerals.Itim provesthehealth ofthe digestive system ,contributesto increased energy,reduces nausea and ac elerates the recovery ofmucous membranes.It contributes to the elimination of toxins ac umulated in the digestivesystem andtobodydetoxif ication. • detoxif iesandsupportsim m unity • antioxidant • strengthenstheimmunesystem • vegetarianproduct Itisrecommendedtoconsume50ml perday,preferablyinthemorningon anemptystomach. M adeinItaly OrganicAloe Vera Juice Liquid Food Supplem ent with OrganicCranbery Flavor,Life Care® digestionandimmunity £ 29.89 8410 71 WEIGHTLOS ANDDETOXIFICATION 25% DISCOUNT