Catalogue Life Care spring -summer 2024 - UK

7047 £ 6.79 30capsules Pineapplecontainsanenzymecaledbromelain, whichhelpsthebodydigestfasterproteinsfrom the food (normaly they can only be digested with the help of gastric juice and digestive enzymes).Duetothisenzyme,pineapplecanbe used to purify the blood, improve digestive function, arthritis, sinusitis, to relieve m uscle pain(duetoitsanti-inf lam m atoryaction). Bromelain preventsorminimizesa lotofhealth problems: angina pectoris, transient ischemic atack,relievesthrombosisandthrombophlebitis andcanreducecholesteroldeposits. Personsover16arerecommended1capsuleper day,intheafternoonorintheevening. M adeinGermany Pineapple fordigestion, Life Care® digestiveadjuvant NO.1 Digestive Enzym e, with brom elain and papain,Life Care® supportsthedigestivesystem Stim ulates,stabilzes and optim izes thedigestivetractperfectly,anddue to its increased bioavailabilty it is absorbed optimaly and quickly by thebody.Theuniqueformulaofthis multi-enzyme complex contributes to the optimization of digestion, metabolic balance, weight los proces and increasesthe tolerance toglutenandlactose. Itisrecommended 2 capsulesaday after eating,for persons from the ageof16years. M adeinGermany 30capsules £ 12.69 738 Gingeriswidely used forhealthy digestive supportandgastrointestinaltracthealth.The active ingredients support the growth of benef icialintestinalm icro-organism s,which arevitalforintestinalhealth. Recommendeddose:2 tablets/day,afterm eal,only forpersonsaged14years and over. M adeinGermany •Healthydigestivesystem •Supportsstomachhealthandcomfort •Tonicandenergising •Fastabsorption OrganicGingerRoot, 500m g,Life Care® supportsdigestivehealth £ 8.59 30tablets 7106 RO-ECO-0 8 28% DISCOUNT 73 WEIGHTLOS ANDDETOXIFICATION