Catalog Life Care UK

ULTRA Hydration Cream,with SPF 15 andHyaluronicAcid,LifeCare® contains a m ix of 7 naturalextracts such as: magnolia, chamomile, wilow bark, green tea, thuja, grapefruit and propolis,with a powerfulantioxidant and hydration efect,thatis idealfor sensitive skin. M adeinGermany ULTRA Hydration Cream , with SPF15 and HyaluronicAcid,Life Care® naturalingredients £ 32.59 50 ml Double phase m ake-up rem over, with Aloe Vera,Life Care® -BIO certified gentlycleanses The double structure ofthe cleanser (oil+ lotion) confers the extremely eff icientform ula thateasily rem oves make-up. Cleanses, hydrates and ilum inatestheskin. M adeinEU The toniclotion isan es entialpartin the com plexioncaringroutine,usedrightafter cleansing the skin.It balances,hydrates andrevitalizestheskin. M adeinEU Toniclotion,with Aloe Vera, Life Care® -BIO certified tonesandmoisturizes COSMOS ORGANIC COSMOS ORGANIC £ 17.19 150 ml £ 17.99 150 ml 80 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE 21208 21212 21266