Catalogue Life Care spring -summer 2024 - UK

Only £ 11.99inMONTH 4 throughtheW elcomeProgram! Detailsonpages135-137. Anti-w rinklem agneticm ask,M agneticM ask,LifeCare® -forrealresults thatareofgreatim portanceatthecelularlevel. Ithasaspecialform ulathatactsvisibly,and optim izesblood circulation atskinlevelforanenergizedandhealthyskincom plexion. Contains: Matrixyl® 3000 thatsmoothswrinkles,improvesskin tone and skin elasticity The formula is enriched with Retinol(vitamin A),which maintains healthyskinandplaysanim portantroleinregeneratingskincels. Duetonutritionaloilssuchasjojobaoil,sweetalmondoilandoliveoil, theskinisradiant,hydrated,andprotectedformanyhours. •innovativetechnology •containsM atrixyl® 3000 •formulaenrichedwithRetinol •activatesm icrocirculation at thecelularlevel •uniquemethodofapplication MadeinUE Anti-wrinkle m agneticm ask, M agneticM ask,Life Care® innovativetechnology 50 ml £ 40.99 21219 21258 84 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE 6% DISCOUNT Hair: Idealfordry and damaged hair-a few dropsalong the strand ofhairorapplied on the endswil instantly turn itinto silkyand softhair.Applytoclean hairbefore orafterdrying,for protectionandnourishment. Face: Idealfordryand sensitive oriritated skin -helpsrestore naturalbalance,increasesskin elasticity and providesintense hydration.Forabrighter,sm ootherandsilkierskin. M adeinItaly M agicElixiristrulym agical-w ith itslightandf inetexturelikea silkithasaninstantactionofprotectionandrepair.Itisidealfor both hairand face -a single drop isenough to awaken your olfactory and tactile senses. £ 26.69 30 ml Hairand skin oil,M agicElixir, w ith BIO plants,Life Care® instantaction Only £ 11.99inMONTH 4 throughtheW elcomeProgram! Detailsonpages135-137.