Catalog Life Care UK

W hy should INSTANT PERFECTION be among any woman’s basic cosmetics? Because any woman wantsanimpec ableskin,andthisproduct: •hasIMMEDIATEEF ECT •hasINCREDIBLERESULTSON THESKIN •hasanEXTREM ELYSMOOTH TEXTURE, easilyspreadable •hasaVERYPLEASANTSMEL •ORGANICARGAN andEVENING-PRIMROSE OILSnourishandhydratetheskin •itcansaveyoubeforeanim portant eventoritcanbeap liedeverymorning, insuringthe make-upstaysonfora longtim e,aswel ashydratingtheskin M adeinGermany Biotisima® InstantPerfection with argan oiland evening prim rose ensuresm ake-upresistance £ 31.99 30 g 21213 Brightening face cream forage spots, with Neurolightand Sepiwhite,Life Care® -BIO certified fadesagespots The cream works on the dark spots caused by aging,with state-of-the-artactive ingredients such as Neurolight,61 G andSepiwhiteTM M SH,Ecocertcertif ied. •favorsfading,decreaseinintensity andreductionofthesizeofpigmented spots •inhibitsmelaninproduction •actsnaturalyduetotheingredients thataredelicatetotheskin •moisturizesandnourishestheskin. M adeinEU £ 20.79 50 ml Theclinicaltrialshaveshownadecreaseof spotsurfaceupto63.4% after42daysofuse! 21211 85 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE