Catalog Life Care UK

£ 23.59 •hasafulertextureandadeepactingformula •revitalizes,repairsthehairandbalancesthescalp •improveshairdetanglingproces •perfectforhairdamagedbysunexposure, stres ,polution,brushinganddyeing •concentratedproduct •immediateefect M adeinItaly 200 ml Repairm ask forhairand scalp, with BIO aloe vera and olive oil, EQUILIBRIUM ,Life Care® intensivetreatm entforhairandscalp 21303 Only £ 5.59inMONTH 3 throughtheW elcomeProgram! Detailsonpages135-137. £ 13.99 200 ml Did you know thatONLY organic hair maskscanbeappliedtothescalp? Thanksto the organicingredientsin its composition,theEQUILIBRIUM maskcan beappliedtotheends,thelengthofthe hairand the scalp.A largeramountis appliedtotheendsandthelengthofthe hair,and with the remaining productin thepalmsofyourhands,runyourf ingers through the rootsofthe hairto workon thescalp. 13% DISCOUNT Sham poo with BIO aloe vera and olive oil, EQUILIBRIUM, Life Care® deeplynourishes the hair FOR AL HAIR TYPES ALSO SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN 21300 M adeinItaly 27% DISCOUNT 89 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE