Catalog Life Care UK

£ 9.99 500 ml The form ula rich in BIO herbal extracts, nourishes,regeneratesand revitalizesthe hair, leavingitsoft,suppleandeasytocom b.Dueto itsrich contentbasedon extractsofchamomile and lemon balm f lower from biologicaly controled environments,the balm intenslynourishes thehairfrom theroot to the tip ,increases resistance to tearing andagainstthe damagingactionsof theenvironment.The cham om ileextract providesnaturalglow fortheentirelengthof the hair. M adeinGermany Hairconditioner,with BIO plants,Life Care® intenselynourishesthehair Hairm ask,with BIO olive oil,Life Care® nourishesand regeneratesthehair £ 11.29 300 ml The combination between olive oil and argan oil nourishes, revitalizes and regenerates the hair,while leaving it soft and easy to comb.Recommended foral hairtypes. M adeinGermany 424 457 93 BEAUTYANDPERSONALCARE Itsefectsonthebodyareverystrong,beingone ofthe mostefective remediesforregeneration and rejuvenation.The youth ofthe skin and the vitality ofthe strandsofhairare determined by thepresenceofthismineral. 3in1Shampoo,ShowerGel andBubbleBath,with Panthenoland PHYTOCOM PLEXofHorsetail, Life Care® prevents prematureagingoftheskin andisagoodremedyfor britlehair,strengthensthe strandsofhair,com batshair breakageandsplitends. M adeinGermany 3 in 1 Sham poo,ShowerGel and Bubble Bath,with Panthenoland PHYTOCOMPLEX of Horsetail,Life Care® healthandbeautyofhairandskin 500 ml £ 11.29 4107