Life Care Catalogue autumn - winter 2024

•activeingredients: glucosamineandchondroitin •canincreasejointm obilty •relievesjointdiscomfort MadeinUSA Liquid supplem entforjoints,JointElixir, with glucosam ine,calcium and vitam in D3,Life Care® increasesjointm obilty Liquid food supplement,rich in vitamins and minerals,with a role in maintaining joint mobilty and reducing joint discom fort. Thanks to its active ingredients,such as glucosamine and chondroitin, zinc, colagen and vitamin complex, the supplement is specialy designed to reducethediscomfortofjointconditions. The specialsubstancesin thissupplement can help to restore the colagen in the cartilages, and the m ixture of m ain ingredients with esential vitamins contributes to the mobilty ofthe joints andtheirregeneration. 2spoonsadayarerecommended,starting from theageof12. 37 € 53.99 946 ml 880 HEALTHANDIMMUNITY